About Aeromatics

About Aeromatics

Aeromatics is a web-based Computerized Pilot Selection System (CPSS) developed to help aspiring and existing pilots enhance their psychomotor and aptitude skills. The platform includes a battery of necessary pilot aptitude and psychomotor skill-enhancing tests that can be used to practice and refresh skills regularly. In addition, it helps pilots stay sharp, confident, and ahead of the competition by offering fun-filled brain-boosting activities.

The psychomotor skill testing involves the examination of various abilities such as spatial orientation, spontaneous arithmetic, time and speed perception, short-term memory retention, multitasking abilities, hand-to-eye coordination, information processing, visual and audio processing, etc. The platform is designed to test these abilities in pilots and help them enhance their skills to stay sharp, confident, and ahead of the competition.

Aeromatics benefits commercial pilots who undergo costly self or company-sponsored training at various levels and are expected to be abreast with non-normal procedures with short reaction times. The application can also be used by aspiring pilots preparing for their pilot aptitude and psychomotor skill tests.

Client's Requirements

Founders of Aeromatics - pilots Guruchetan Virdi and Vignesh Sankaran - decided to help the piloting community by building a learning management hybrid web application to make flight training more accessible and cost-effective for aspiring students while ensuring they can successfully pass the Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) and become eligible to become a commercial pilot or fly for one of the various military and defense organizations.

After discussing the project requirements with Zapbuild's development team and receiving a detailed explanation of the development process and timeline, the clients decided to engage the company's services to create the web application for Aeromatics.

The clients wanted to create a future-ready application by combining elements of modern web applications and remote proctoring. They visualized a platform that would enable:

  • The instructors to add test sets for flight training.
  • Learners, i.e., aspiring and existing pilots, to convene discussion, take different simulated time tests, post their own blogs, and play skill-boosting games from the comfort of their homes
  • Students to sign up and subscribe for various plans per their requirements and practice.
Client's Requirements

The Challenges

As the client envisioned developing an online platform catering to their distinct needs within the aviation industry, they encountered a compelling new challenge. It became evident that creating a unified platform integrating instructors, students, courses, blogs, and games was essential to meet their ambitious goals successfully.
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT)

Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT)

Their main objective revolved around developing an application that would boost sign-ups and offer various tests, games, and practice questions to aid students in passing the Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT). Their most significant hurdle involved creating a roadmap for execution and ensuring the delivery of a dependable hybrid application capable of accommodating users accessing the platform from diverse devices.

Our Solution

To achieve their objective, we worked diligently alongside the client, ensuring a solution that met their requirements and surpassed their expectations, showcasing our commitment to delivering excellence in every aspect of the project.
Technology Enhancement

Technology Enhancement

Zapbuild's team of business analysts and user-experience designers first prioritized working on the wireframes and prototype of the application to help the client foresee how their end product would look and function. Our initial target was to complete all experience designs in phase one, which defined the application's touchpoints and how users would interact with it. The primary goal was to ensure the application was user-friendly for all users, including admin, instructors, and students

Certified Trained Sales Agent

Certified Trained Sales Agent

Once the wireframes were ready, the development team laid the technical framework and developed the major interconnected functionalities. The admin panel provides features such as managing subscribed users, out-of-stock products, pending orders, and discount codes. Invoicing and multiple payment capabilities such as bank payments, QR code payments, Google Pay, and Paytm for admins and students have also been developed to make payments and accounting easier. The students get seamless access to the application from any device with an internet browser and a web camera to use the features such as tests, question papers, games, blogs, articles, and a lot more. 

Online Presence and Branding

Online Presence and Branding

We chose a technology stack that would help in developing a future-safe web application, in addition to providing efficiency, shorter development time, and ease of maintenance. We devoted significant effort to rigorous testing and continuous improvements throughout the development process to ensure seamless transitions and optimal performance.


Following successful development, the web application is now fully functional. The clients chose to initially deploy the application on a small scale to test its effectiveness before widespread implementation. Since its inception, the application generated faster registrations and has already gained over a thousand users.

The client is now looking to expand and promote the app to a broader audience, intending to make it more widely accessible. However, with the extraordinary results of the platform for Aeromatics, the client is confident in its continued success. With a deep pool of world-class developers, Zapbuild has expertise in all app and software development aspects. Our developers have extensive industry experience and stay up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies to provide our clients with innovative business solutions that set them apart.


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